Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Stars and Stripes Downtown!

July 2nd, Frederick First Saturday offers a variety of All-American activities.
It's a perfect day for vintage and retro shopping!!
& shops downtown (including Tiara Day) entered to participate in a storefront merchandising competition. Come check us out! (Sneak Peek of  3 of our windows below)

For more information visit

Tiara Day will be open until 9pm on First Saturday.

We are chock full of items red white and blue.... both vintage and new!

Note: Tiara Day will not be open on Monday, July 4th so that we may celebrate the holiday with our family!
Happy 4th of July to all!


Hailie Duenkel said...

I LOVE the 'from sea to shining sea' bucket! I must have it:)ha

Tiara Day said...

so, Hailie, I guess i'll be seeing you this weekend, eh? If I remeber correctly it is only $8.00.